i,How are you Today been Sunday and 1st day of June, its ^31 am here and i wake up to see if you drop any message for me and you did, thank you dear.
Just thought I’d write you a not to tell you how much I enjoyed meeting you I can't recall when I had a more pleasant and magic time; actually I forgot time when I was writing this message to let you know how attractive and magnetic beauty you have! Everything felt so natural and you were very nice to answer me. I thank you very match… It’s hard for me to identify what it is about that attracts me, but it’s you pretty! Hmm! Supposed it might be your charming personality and your good looking.
Whatever it is, I can sense its presence; you could call it chemistry, or better yet, the possibility that we are on the same wavelengths. I really hope that our first meeting wasn't our last because I felt very special when I was writing you the first message! I truly want to give our meeting a chance to grow in one harmony, blessing, honest and understanding!!!!.
I am 48 years old and am divorce 8 months ago but am serious looking for a live partner whom i will share my love alone, i feel sad and lonely every day at home. do you have ant kids.
Well, I guess I’ve said nice for the time being, have wonderful time, hopefully I will see you again soon, and you tell me your thoughts, until I here from you.