Today, I bring you a brand new version of The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack. In this new version, teachers will spawn during the school day.
There are special interactions you can perform with teachers to learn skills. Each interaction lasts 30 minutes. Child Sims can learn the Creativity, Mental and Motor skills. Teen Sims have interactions that allow them to slowly learn three skills at once.
With the exception of social days and collection hunts, there will be a main goal to learn three lessons aside from the normal goals. Also, since a lot of people found the old version too hard, I lowered the overall difficulty a bit so it will be easier to get a gold medal.
These interactions are mainly there to make it feel more like a school. They should not replace proper skill building, since the amount of skill you gain is lower than if you actually send your Sim to learn from experience. That being said, being in the right emotion will increase the amount of skill you gain.
As an added bonus, you can also have your Sim teach classmates. This doesn’t do anything particular special (except give the other Sim a small skill boost) but the way learning was set up made them easy to add, so I thought… why not?
You can download the test version from here: