The word ideology first made its appearance in France as “Ideologue”. It is the period of 17centuries with in the French revaluation. The leading doctrine of “ideologue” that sought to enlightenment ‘liberalism’ to ‘post revaluation’, “A L C DESTTUT DE TRACY”, founder of ‘French liberal school’ told that ideology is a “Science Of Ideas”, which he claimed to have adopted from the epistemology of the philosophers like “john lock” and “Etienne Bonnot De Codillac”. They believe that for all human knowledge is knowledge for all human knowledge of ideas. In this fact “Desttut DE TRACY” had owed rather more to the English philosopher “Francis bacon”. It was bacon who had proclaimed the destiny of science is only enlarged mans knowledge but also to improve the life of man on earth. “Desttut DE TRACY” and his follower ideologues devised a system of national education that they believed to transform France into a rational and scientific society. It was “Tracy” in other name “Desttut DE TRACY”, who originally coined the term “ideology”. Some historical philosophers assumed that the glorious age of ideology arises in 19 century. It is not because of the ‘word’ itself, nevertheless in centuries there had being so much of thought distinguished through prevailing previous centuries.