Volumes and volumes of philosophy have been written about the
concepts of values, morals, and ethics. These concepts date back
thousands of years to Aristotle, Socrates, and Kant. Every person has
their own innate virtues. They are unique to each individual person, and
describe what they deem to be vital in their personal behaviour. Virtues
are personal judgements that compare possible behaviours with an
innate understanding of right and incorrect.
Regarding the issue that influences child’s growth and development is
his rearing of nurturance at home. Themotheris
saidtobethefirstteacherofchild. Her behaviorwith the
childinallsituationsandinteractions oflife, inaway, shapesthefuture
developmentof child’spersonality.Similarlythefatheror anyother person
who comes in the life of achild asasign ificant factor model’s the
behavior of the child. There may be different kinds of relation ships
that may develop between the child and the parent depending up on the
disciplinary practices that the parent spreferandapply. In this paper we
aim to compare the rapport between parent al mind-set and moral
reasoning among young people.