Platform: Windows 7
I recently migrated from VLC to PotPlayer because of long-unresolved video-stuttering issues with VLC.
I love PotPlayer so far, but there's one thing I miss greatly from VLC: very robust command-line options!
In "Program FilesDAUMPotPlayer" is the file CmdLine.txt. It includes this option:
/add (Add to playlist)
I created a new PotPlayer shortcut with the /add option, but it didn't work. (What I want it to do is add, to the playlist, files I drag/drop onto the shortcut, WITHOUT beginning playing.) With /add added to the command line, PotPlayer successfully did not start playing, but it didn't load the files into the playlist.
As a test to see if any command-line options work, I tried /filedlg. It worked fine.
Has anyone successfully used /add ? Any suggestions?