Nanowire synthesis
To form the Cu2S and PbS nanowires on substrates, Si (100)
substrates were first cleaned by sonication in isopropanol.
Thermal evaporation was used to place a 2.0 nm sticking layer of
chromium, followed by a 12.0 nm layer of bismuth. Upon
heating the substrates, the Bi thin film melted forming molten
droplets on the surface of the substrate, which act as catalysts in
the formation of the solution-liquid-solid (SLS) grown nanowires.
The amount of molecular precursor used per substrate
area was increased for the nanowire syntheses to achieve a more
suitable precursor to catalyst ratio. For the cuprous sulfide
nanowires, 10 mL of a 0.44 M solution in TOP was used; for the
lead sulfide nanowires, 15 mL of a 0.22 M solution was used.
After adding the molecular precursor dissolved in TOP, the Bi
covered substrates were heated to 250 C and left at this
temperature until all solvent had evaporated 10–14 min.
Nanowire synthesisTo form the Cu2S and PbS nanowires on substrates, Si (100)substrates were first cleaned by sonication in isopropanol.Thermal evaporation was used to place a 2.0 nm sticking layer ofchromium, followed by a 12.0 nm layer of bismuth. Uponheating the substrates, the Bi thin film melted forming moltendroplets on the surface of the substrate, which act as catalysts inthe formation of the solution-liquid-solid (SLS) grown nanowires.The amount of molecular precursor used per substratearea was increased for the nanowire syntheses to achieve a moresuitable precursor to catalyst ratio. For the cuprous sulfidenanowires, 10 mL of a 0.44 M solution in TOP was used; for thelead sulfide nanowires, 15 mL of a 0.22 M solution was used.After adding the molecular precursor dissolved in TOP, the Bicovered substrates were heated to 250 C and left at thistemperature until all solvent had evaporated 10–14 min.
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