“You can’t process me with a normal brain.”
— Charlie Sheen
We’re at the end of our story. This is the last official chapter of this book (though I envision additional supplemental material for the website and perhaps new chapters in the future). We began with inanimate objects living in a world of forces and gave those objects desires, autonomy, and the ability to take action according to a system of rules. Next, we allowed those objects to live in a population and evolve over time. Now we ask: What is each object’s decision-making process? How can it adjust its choices by learning over time? Can a computational entity process its environment and generate a decision?
The human brain can be described as a biological neural network—an interconnected web of neurons transmitting elaborate patterns of electrical signals. Dendrites receive input signals and, based on those inputs, fire an output signal via an axon. Or something like that. How the human brain actually works is an elaborate and complex mystery, one that we certainly are not going to attempt to tackle in rigorous detail in this chapter.
“You can’t process me with a normal brain.”— Charlie SheenWe’re at the end of our story. This is the last official chapter of this book (though I envision additional supplemental material for the website and perhaps new chapters in the future). We began with inanimate objects living in a world of forces and gave those objects desires, autonomy, and the ability to take action according to a system of rules. Next, we allowed those objects to live in a population and evolve over time. Now we ask: What is each object’s decision-making process? How can it adjust its choices by learning over time? Can a computational entity process its environment and generate a decision?The human brain can be described as a biological neural network—an interconnected web of neurons transmitting elaborate patterns of electrical signals. Dendrites receive input signals and, based on those inputs, fire an output signal via an axon. Or something like that. How the human brain actually works is an elaborate and complex mystery, one that we certainly are not going to attempt to tackle in rigorous detail in this chapter.
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