Day2 Everyone gets up at 5 am because there’s a lot to do on the farm. Sarah’s mum is very nice. She brings me a cup of tea in bed, but I just go back to sleep. Later, I go outside in the farmyard to help Sarah’s family. Today, we are milking the cows in the barn and feeding the chickens. The animals are lovely, but I can’t stand the smell.
Day4 Sarah’s mum takes me to meet the school bus every morning. We drive five miles and it leaves at exactly 7 am. Sarah’s school is very small, but everyone’s so friendly.
Day6 Learning about farming is interesting, but I’m happy I’m going home tomorrow. The fresh air is nice, but it's too quiet here. L also feel isolated. In the city the streets are crowded, but you have everything close at hand. I miss the hustle and bustle of London, but I don’t want to leave my new friends.