Many hotels have invested heavily in information technology (IT) infrastructure and networking that deploy the
latest technical advances in their operations. Hospitality Industry strongly invested in information technology (IT) to
generate new technologies in housekeeping department. New technologies like Wi-Fi (wire less fidelity), radio
frequency identification, GPS (global positioning system), VOIP (voice over internet protocol), hand held
communication devices and WLAN (Wireless local area networks) are developing rapidly. Many types of software
having comprehensive housekeeping applications are being used today in the hotels. With the help of technology
customers involvement in service delivery has been increased.
Present era focusing on outsourcing in hotel housekeeping and it helps in reducing manpower related issues like
filling the gap due to attrition of manpower, unavailability of suitable personnel , trained manpower to fill the need
and unionization. Housekeeping is a labor intensive department. Most of the hotel chains perceive outsourcing as an