For instance, a nanoparticle’s shape directly influences uptake into cells: Rods show the highest
uptake, followed by spheres, cylinders, and cubes (11).Gratton et al. (11) determined this ordering
using synthesized nanoparticles larger than 100 nm. In studies with sub-100-nm nanoparticles,
spheres show an appreciable advantage over rods (12, 13). In fact, at this size range, increasing the
aspect ratio of nanorods seems to decrease total cell uptake. Although few studies have focused
on nonspherical nanoparticles thus far, research indicates their interactions with cells may be
much more complex. Ligand-coated rod-shaped nanoparticles may present to the cell with two
different orientations. Compared with the short axis, the long axis will interact with many more
cell surface receptors (14). For spiky nanostructures such as gold nanourchins, whether the ligand
is located on or between the spikes affects how it is presented to the target cell receptors (15).
For the engineering process, asymmetrical nanoparticles may provide another level of control in
presenting ligands to the target receptors.
For instance, a nanoparticle’s shape directly influences uptake into cells: Rods show the highestuptake, followed by spheres, cylinders, and cubes (11).Gratton et al. (11) determined this orderingusing synthesized nanoparticles larger than 100 nm. In studies with sub-100-nm nanoparticles,spheres show an appreciable advantage over rods (12, 13). In fact, at this size range, increasing theaspect ratio of nanorods seems to decrease total cell uptake. Although few studies have focusedon nonspherical nanoparticles thus far, research indicates their interactions with cells may bemuch more complex. Ligand-coated rod-shaped nanoparticles may present to the cell with twodifferent orientations. Compared with the short axis, the long axis will interact with many morecell surface receptors (14). For spiky nanostructures such as gold nanourchins, whether the ligandis located on or between the spikes affects how it is presented to the target cell receptors (15).For the engineering process, asymmetrical nanoparticles may provide another level of control inpresenting ligands to the target receptors.
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