This research aims to reveal the current practice concerning internal quality assurance system of small elementary schools in Amphur Mae Suey, Chiang Rai Province and to explore ways to improve its practices covering 8 components of the systems.
Samples of this research comprised of 21 elementary schools principals, 21 head of school academic services, 21 head of internal quality assurance units and 12 educational supervisors from the office of Education service Area 2.
Questionnaire and interview were used as data gathering instruments. Data were analyzed and presented in terms of mean and standard deviation.
Findings revealed that internal quality assurance practice to used mainly on the investigation of educational quality, continuing improvement of educational quality process and establishment of school’s educational indices of criteria. Quality assurance of small elementary schools system need to focus on good analysis which includes the analysis of strength and weaknesses of each individual school.
Findings also reflected that the most difficult task, were establishment of school’s educational indices of criteria, school planning and the management of information system.
It also suggested that internal quality assurance of small elementary schools system need to focus on goal analysis which included the includes the analysis of strength and weaknesses of each individual school setting index of success for each complement of internal quality assurance system. Moreover conditions for success of the system include full support from school personnel and administer PDCA Process effectively