First, let’s give you some information on public libraries in Thailand in general. We would like to focus on the provincial public libraries and Chalermratkumaree libraries.
Now we will show you the Power point presentation of our library.
Historical information
Let me give you the general background of the provincial libraries and public libraries. The first provincial public libraries were established in the year 1939 in Ubon Ratchantani,
To give service to the people within the provincial areas. The public libraries are under the responsibility of the Provincial Non-Formal Department Center. Besides providing various kinds of book service, audio- visual room or education room, there are also sections containing materials and textbooks of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University and Ramkhamhaeng University for those taking distance learning courses.
Large Public libraries also include Chalermratchakumaree Public Libraries.
These libraries were established to serve Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s resolution and ideas to pro mote people‘s education. In honor of the Her Royal Highness Princess Sirindhorn’s 36 birthday in 1991,
Public libraries established have the princess’ permission to use the name
Chalermratkumaree Public Libraries were set up with support from the local people, the government, and private sectors. In general, the two-story buildings comprise rooms for royal exhibitions, for local information, for audio- visual media and computers, as well as general exhibitions.
The main floor has books general reading for children and families.
-Vision and Mission
The vision and mission of our library are as in all Chalermratkumaree Public Libraries. To promote lifelong learning by creating welcoming areas to inform, inspire, enrich, and entertain.
One of the differences among these libraries in the local information section, which in unique for each area.
The tasks of the current Public Libraries are as follows:
In 1995 the Department of Non-formal Education, Ministry of Education, announced a policy
To make all public libraries learning centers giving information centers.
Local information centers collect various kinds of local information for provision of teaching or vocational development, for exchange of information among networks and general information services. Subject areas cover information about the community, society, politics and local
Administration, education, culture and local intelligence or village wisdom, local science and technology, industry and also economy.
For our unique organization, the library has employed 3 staff; these are one professional librarian and two general staff.
The director of the library is responsible for the whole with each member of staff the head of a section.
We offer a variety of media. There are various forms of data: document and pictures classified by types of data; exhibitions of history, culture, local wisdom; posters with electronic mobile letters, brochures and pamphlets and so on; and Internet or CD-ROM and online computers.
The highlight is also the local information center, which is to be developed to be more lively and focusing on the local area.
-Services, activities, projects, and exhibitions
Our services include providing resources for leaning in various forms as mentioned earlier. We also have special projects like teaching reading
For senior people, and teaching computer use to young people. We set up tutorials for local students in English. We have set up film weeks and other community service projects such as attending loy Krathong festival.
We also set up exhibitions in the lobby on special occasions.