Rubin & Thomspson [7] defines attitude as one of the key
factors that influences success or failure for language learners.
There is a clear relationship between attitude and achievement
in learning a language. A positive attitude will help learners to
achieve their goals. Holmes [8] concludes in his study that
when language learners have a positive attitude towards a
target language, they will be successful in acquiring a target
language. On the other hand, Gardner & Lambert [9] state that
learners with a negative attitude do not put in the effort
required to learn the language. Moreover, Littlewood [10]
concludes that a bad attitude produced a barrier to the learning
process. Consequently, they will lose interest in learning.
Studies in Thailand have supported the adverse consequences
of Thai learners, Mokkarawut [4], Muangmood [5],
Wanthanasut [6]. For example, Mokkarawut’s research
revealed that a negative attitude could lead Thai learners to
avoid speaking activities in the classroom. As a result, their
communication skills were limited and that they were afraid to
speak English.