1.Each strand of dna holds the code to create specific proteins. Because the dna can't leave the nucleus of the celled.a a copy of the code.celled massenger rna (mrna)is made.this is called transcription
2.the rnd takes this information outside the nucleus and brings it to the ribosome
3.the ribosome moves along the mRNA,reading the code.this is the phase called translation.
4.another type of RNA called transfer RNA (tRNA) collects the specific amino acids that are needed to make the protein.there are 20different tRNAs,one for each amino acid.
5.the tRNA brings the amino acid to the ribosome.
6.the ribosome then builds a chain of amino acids (the protein ) in the proper sequence,based on the code in the mRNA,called elongation.
7.the ribosome continues to move down the mRNA strand until all the appropriate amino acids are added and the protein is complete.