potentially contaminated areas that may require fencing off or management of stock to ensure restriction of
access. All significant food safety risks shall also require HACCP-based management to be implemented in
organic operations.
IFOAM: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements. IFOAM is the international
representative organisation for organic agriculture, whilst also setting the IFOAM Basic Standard (IBS)
or IFOAM Norms. In addition, IFOAM maintains an accreditation program via the International Organic
Accreditation Service (IOAS), which accredits certifiers such as ACO. IFOAM requirements may be driven by
market or buyer demands or requirements (in addition to government regulations). Operators need to remain
aware of what these requirements are and monitor their own marketing needs.
In conversion to organic: Period of time prior to full “organic” status being given to an operator and farm unit.
Ingredients: All products and aids that constitute or are used in the production of a processed or
prepared product.
Inputs: Materials that are brought onto the farm unit to assist with production.
Inspection: See Audit.
JAS: The regulatory system applying in Japan and regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries (MAFF) called the Japanese Agricutural Standards – Organic (JAS). Note that the regulatory
requirements for that Standard and certification program are specified in a separate text, which the certified
operator must obtain, maintain and ensure compliance with, in order to maintain certification to this
Korean organic certification: South Korea regulations on organic products are based on two different
standards: Environmental-Friendly Promotion Act (EFAPA) for agricultural produce, and the Food Industry
Promotion Act (FIPA) for processed products. ACO has been accredited by the Ministry for Food, Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries (MIFAFF) and the Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) for the inspection
and certification according to both Korean organic standards. Note that the regulatory requirements for these
standards are specified in a separate text, which the certified operator must obtain, maintain and ensure
compliance with, in order to maintain certification to this regulation.
Labelling: Any words, particulars, trademarks, brand names, names of certifying organisations, pictorial