Many projects have pointed out a lack of standards as an important hindrance for the
deployment of demand side management and smart grids. Standards are for example
requested for the metering, business models and different customer alternatives.
Since there are many actors involved in the full chain from generation to home appliances it is
important to have cooperation among the actors.
It is also mentioned in the reviewed projects that standards for business models will develop
as the smart grid system progress. It is important that transparent and standardised contracts
and business models are developed for the customers to get an overview of the alternatives
and be able to compare and make decisions. This will probably also be important in order to
get customers’ acceptance and participation. Since the participation of the customers is vital
for flexible demand either through indirect control or direct control, it should be a prioritised
issue for the electricity suppliers. Some cooperation among the suppliers regarding the
development of standard business models will therefore be important and of interest for all
The idea that there will not be a common architecture for the entire smart grid system is
considered a viable approach after the trial within the SmartHouse/SmartGrid project and that
is the same conclusion about standardisation discussed in the Stockholm Royal Seaport