Prospects for global cereal production in 2016 continued to improve in recent
months with significant upward revisions for maize and wheat, reflecting particularly
favourable weather conditions in some of the large producing countries.
36 countries, including 28 in Africa, are in need of external assistance for food.
Persisting conflicts and drought induced production declines are the main causes
that have stressed food security in 2016.
n AFRICA: Despite expected cereal production increases in East and West Africa,
drought-reduced harvests in North and Southern Africa are forecast to pull down
the aggregate 2016 cereal output to a below-average level. The impact of the
El Niño-induced drought resulted in a significant increase in food insecurity in
Southern Africa. Persisting conflicts, notably in Nigeria and in South Sudan, continue
to severely impair agricultural production and food security in affected countries.
n ASIA: In the Far East, cereal production is forecast to rebound strongly in 2016, after
a reduced output in 2015 due to dry weather. Similarly, the output of the Asian CIS
subregion is anticipated to increase, benefitting from improved weather conditions,
while 2016 production in the Near East is forecast to fall from the bumper level of
2015. Several countries in the Near East continue to be affected by the negative
impact of conflicts on agricultural production, livelihoods and food security.
n LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN: Despite a record maize crop forecast
in Argentina in 2016, drought-reduced outputs in Bolivia (Plurinational State of),
Brazil and Paraguay have resulted in a large year-on-year decrease for the aggregate
South American cereal output. Moderate production recoveries from last year’s
drought reduced outputs are expected in most Central American countries, while
Mexico is anticipated to harvest a bumper cereal crop in 2016.