Individual In-house Examinees
Individual examinees testing on their own, or on their own under the auspices of an organization, must make a test reservation at least one working day in advance of the test date to guarantee a seat. Reservations for examinees living in Thailand are currently accepted by telephone during regular operating hours Monday through Saturday, from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm
When making the reservation an examinee should be prepared to provide their name, national ID number (passport number for non-residents), date of birth, contact telephone number, test date and test time being requested. Examinees who are not Thai nationals may also be requested to provide proof of residence in Thailand (such as work permits, school ID cards).
As test reservations are taken on an on-going basis, CPA cannot guarantee an examinee’s first choice of test date and time. Therefore the earlier an examinee makes their reservation the better the opportunity of getting the date and time desired.