8. What should managers communicate to employees about the results of the performance / potential assessment? Placement on the matrix? Descriptions of the results of the assessment?
Transparency is one of our main objectives. We repeatedly hear (via PLLS, the Organizational Survey/L-180, etc.) that employees are unclear about People Review and Succession Planning. Employees sometimes perceive the way the decisions (about promotions, etc.) are made as unfair, so we want to be very transparent about the process, how we rate employees, the individual assessment, and output from the People Review / Succession Planning meeting.
To communicate:
The process of People Review
How employee is perceived in terms of performance and potential
The performance assessment and potential assessment (where they fall on the matrix), as well as what they mean to the employee’s development.
The distinction between the feedback being given and promotability
What potential rating means/doesn’t mean (annually assessed, not permanent, not a guarantee)
9. When should managers hold performance/potential discussions (pre- or post-calibration)?
Pre-calibration – in the career conversation with employees, managers should discuss the employee’s view of his/her strengths and development areas. In addition, this conversation should include the employee’s career aspirations, their mobility, and their responses to the willingness lenses (FAQ 2).
Post-calibration – the manager should bring feedback from the People Review meeting into the feedback conversation with the employee, including the performance and potential assessment. The manager may also include Succession Planning feedback as relevant and specific development for the employee to add to development plan.
10. Which employees should have career development plans?
Career development plans are for everyone. Managers should have the development discussion and provide input to the employee on their DPR plan and career development plan at least once each year regardless of People Review designation. Robust development plans are absolutely essential for high potential / high performance employees, named successors, and accelerators / early career talent.
11. How often should development discussions occur?
At a minimum, every manager should have development conversations with employees at least once a year, regardless of whether the employee is discussed in a particular People Review. A quarterly assessment is preferable, as research indicates that ongoing and frequent discussions advance employee engagement. These discussions may also include the results of the Succession Planning effort as applicable.