transmission and also serve as constituent of biological
molecules, as a cofactor for various enzymes and in
variety of different metabolic processes (Mayer & Vyklicky,
In view of the above facts, the medicinal plants studied
are a source of biologically important elements,
which may play a part in the observed therapeutic
properties of these plants. Hence it is expected that
plants with high concentrations of the above-mentioned
macro and micronutrients, which in most cases are present
in permissible levels, might play an important role
in maintenance of human health. According to Schwart
and Mertz (1952), Curran (1954) and Schroeder (1965),
wide applications of the medicinal benefits of these trace
elements have been limited, due to insufficient work
regarding the detection and estimation of trace elements
of the God-gifted flora spread all over the earth. Thus, it
is imperative to analyze the plants for their trace element
contents, which have healing power for mankind
in numerous ailments and disorders. From the present
study, it was revealed that the detection of metal accumulation
is highly relevant for the assessment of herbal
drugs quality. This study has illustrated metal accumulation
in various herbal plants used in traditional healing
system in southwest Nigeria.
The continuity of such research endeavours, in terms
of periodical assessment of these and other metal concentration
in all the known herbal plants used in traditional
medicine, would go a long way toward predicting
the quality assurance and safer use of herbal products.
The present work will be useful in this regard.
transmission and also serve as constituent of biologicalmolecules, as a cofactor for various enzymes and invariety of different metabolic processes (Mayer & Vyklicky,1989).In view of the above facts, the medicinal plants studiedare a source of biologically important elements,which may play a part in the observed therapeuticproperties of these plants. Hence it is expected thatplants with high concentrations of the above-mentionedmacro and micronutrients, which in most cases are presentin permissible levels, might play an important rolein maintenance of human health. According to Schwartand Mertz (1952), Curran (1954) and Schroeder (1965),wide applications of the medicinal benefits of these traceelements have been limited, due to insufficient workregarding the detection and estimation of trace elementsof the God-gifted flora spread all over the earth. Thus, itis imperative to analyze the plants for their trace elementcontents, which have healing power for mankindin numerous ailments and disorders. From the presentstudy, it was revealed that the detection of metal accumulationis highly relevant for the assessment of herbaldrugs quality. This study has illustrated metal accumulationin various herbal plants used in traditional healingsystem in southwest Nigeria.The continuity of such research endeavours, in termsof periodical assessment of these and other metal concentrationin all the known herbal plants used in traditionalยา จะไปแบบไปยังการคาดการณ์ประกันคุณภาพและการใช้ความปลอดภัยของผลิตภัณฑ์สมุนไพรงานนำเสนอจะเป็นประโยชน์ในการนี้
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