2. The Designated Approval Institution and its personnel who engage in the
approval-related affairs shall be deemed as the personnel who engage in official
duties under law with respect to application of the Criminal Law (Law No. 45 of 1907)
and other penal regulations.
(Order of supervision concerning Designated Approval Institution)
Article 21
The Minister of the Environment or the governor of the prefecture concerned may issue
orders necessary for supervision to the Designated Approval Institution concerning the
approval-related affairs to the extent required for enforcement of the provisions from
Articles 16 to 23.
2. The Minister of the Environment or the governor of the prefecture concerned shall
cancel the Designation if the Designated Approval Institution falls under any of the
items (except item 4) of paragraph 3 of Article 17.
3. The Minister of the Environment or the governor of the prefecture concerned may
cancel the Designation if the Designated Approval Institution infringes upon the
provision of Article 19, implements the approval-related affairs not under paragraph
1 of the same article, violates the order issued under paragraph 1, or is otherwise
considered unable to implement the approval-related affairs properly and accurately.
4. The provision of paragraph 5 of Article 17 shall be applied correspondingly to the
cancellation of the Designation under the preceding two paragraphs.
(Collection of Reports and Spot Inspection)
Article 22
The Minister of the Environment or the governor of the prefecture concerned may, to the
extent required for enforcement of the provisions from Articles 16 to 23, ask the
Designated Approval Institution to report on the approval-related affairs concerned, or
cause their officials to enter the offices of the Designated Approval Institution to inspect
relevant articles such as accounting books and documents or have the interested party
ask relevant questions.
2. The personnel provided for in the preceding paragraph shall carry the identification
papers and present them upon request.