The Double Skin Façade is a European architectural trend driven mostly
• the aesthetic desire for an all glass façade that leads to increased transparency
• the practical need for improved indoor environment
• the need for improving the acoustics in buildings located in noise
polluted areas
• the reduction of energy use during the occupation stage of a building
Although that the concept of Double Skin Facades is not new, there is a
growing tendency by architects and engineers to use them. Since the function
of this façade type is not yet completely investigated, in the existing
literature, one can find reports that prioritise the main goals of this system
in different ways.
Previous research has been made focusing mostly in the following areas:
• Architecture:
¤ Architecture of the façade in general
¤ Fully glazed façades
¤ Office floor plan layout – better utilization of perimeter area.
¤ Improvement of the environmental profile of the building