routes for improved traffic flow and reduced response time of emergency service vehicles; a
comprehensive GIS ITS backbone; digital mapping database; and traffic surveillance and tracking
data from other parts of the Oxford ITS Project. The GIS will be used for linking important
computerized information sources for all users. The public will have access through the Internet.
Benefits include enhanced safety and quality of life, cost-effective traffic management,
improved emergency management, and information sharing through the use of GIS. Through the
Internet and a wide area network several users can access the relevant GIS maps and time critical
information for their specific applications such as: enhanced safety management, efficient
incident management, improved emergency medical and fire brigade response, timely response
by state highway patrol and city police, and improved traffic management. Virtual threedimensional
terrain simulation models will be developed, based on LIDAR data, for enhanced 3D
visualization and other end-use applications using advanced image analysis software provided by
the NASA and MSCI remote sensing companies.