This is one of the cheeses the Italians call pasta filata – cheeses that have been scalded and kneaded prior to ageing. Ricotta and provolone are also pasta filata cheeses. Originally made in Naples from the rich milk of water buffalos, the cheese available outside of Italy that is labeled mozzarella can be made from any type of milk.
The most familiar mozzarella to Americans is the low-moisture version. This was created to cater not just the American palate, but also to satisfy the transportation and storage issues of manufacturers. It is a moist cheese when compared to others traditionally eaten in the U.S. but has a rubbery quality. It does, however, melt exceptionally well, making it ideally suited for pizza.
With Americans now using the best quality ingredients, a wide variety of high-moisture mozzarellas are available. Much is imported, but many artisan cheese makers are producing amazing products. Much of what is produced, both inside and outside of Italy, is made with cow's milk and is usually made with skim or low-fat milk.
High moisture mozzarella is often called "fresh" mozzarella. It is soft, with a sublime taste. Look for a cheese that has a soft creamy texture, while at the same time a taste that evokes fresh milk.
1 ounce mozzarella = 72 calories, 4.5g fat, 3g sat fat, 1g mono fat, 7g protein, 0g carbohydrates, 132mg sodium, 16mg cholesterol