Veterans give feedback on services and support through their
PACT, through the multiple surveys available, through VSOs, or
less formally, through any of the customer support and communication
mechanisms described in Figures 1.1-2 and 1.1-3.
Figure 1.1-3 notes the variety in communication mechanisms for
different customers, customer groups, or market segments, as
well as which mechanisms are for disseminating information or
listening, or both. Based on the increased workforce engagement
in making improvement suggestions when the You had a Hand
in This program was implemented, C4
V started a new customerrelated
campaign in 2013 called We’re Listening! Internal and
external communications related to something learned from
customer listening mechanisms are noted with an ear icon. This
helps Veterans and other customers know that C4
V takes what
they say seriously. In 2014, the campaign was integrated with the
Speak Up! initiative from AHCG related to patient safety. This
re-energized both programs, reminding the C4
V workforce to
actively listen and demonstrating to Veterans and other customers
that there is value to them and others in giving feedback.