The effect of non-volatile metabolites from Trichoderma species
against C. paradoxa was by the method described by Lundberg and
Unestan (1980) and Dennis and Webster (1971a). Initially, mycelial
agar plugs (4 mm diameter) removed (with a no 2 cork borer) from
the edge of a young culture Trichoderma species were transferred
to the center of Petri dishes (90 mm diameter) containing PDA and
a sterilized cellophane disc (Courtauld Films: 50mm thick) adjusted
on the medium surface, where the antagonist was grown for 3 days.
Then the cellophane containing the Trichoderma growth was removed and on the same medium a disc of the pathogen was
placed. The control treatments had C. paradoxa growing similarly
on PDA medium where previously there was a cellophane disc
without antagonist.