Chen Xiang Divine Power puts, can judge these energy waves instantaneously the direction of attack, he 11 avoid, looks like very thrilling, if slower, perhaps will be wounded.
„You are really that Violet Moon Emperor loyal old dog, the boys died, you should go back to give him to gather up dead bodies immediately, but does not chase down me here! Was right, after the boy in their opinion is only, can flatter well, now he died, you naturally do not have what to be good to yearn, instead is my Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade comparison attracts you! Hey, it seems like your dog was inferior, the genuine good dog after the master died, the performance compares hello!”
The Chen Xiang words enrage these old fogies, making them release a more terrifying attack, each palm makes, can rumble a mountain top, chases down, a ground piece in confusion, astonishing gullies are found in a big region, here wooded mountain was ruined by these five elders completely, but they at most are also only Chen Xiang hair dishevel.
Suddenly, these five elders collaborate to release one move of very strong big move, condenses a huge purple fist, hits to Chen Xiang, delivers one in the ground like the great river great ditch, explodes visual purple that shoots, covers big sky!
Bang the sound is unceasing, from the sky reverberates, such as lightning-like rolling thunders to sweep across in all directions, the people in almost entire Heavenly Thunder purgatory can perceive this terrifying the sound.
These five elders just crossed the Nirvana Realm immortal, if not Chen Xiang understood that shrinks the situation, perhaps looked is captured alive by them, when that move hit a moment ago, although he shunted, but was actually shaken many meridians by that formidable bracing cold, he turned into an interruption wood luckily, fluttered along with that gas wave to the deep forest.
„Can he die?” An old man float in upper air, looks at ground in confusion.
„Does not know that should unable dead is so quick, this boy is weird , haven't you seen him securely continuously? But I guessed that he should be seriously injured!”
In woods that Chen Xiang in piece of trees collapse, he changed the human form, hides under a chaotic wood of piece of collapse, but also took one grain to return Life Pill, accelerated to repair own injury.
„Goes to that side to have a look!” An old man has referred to that piece by the forest that the strength wave shakes, then flew.
„You are Violet Moon Sacred Territory! You have a look at the good deed that you do!” The clear sound conveys together, is having an anger, but in the anger is also bringing a gentleness, Chen Xiang one [smile | hear] of sounds know that was that Demon Empress comes.
He has not thought that this Bewitching Sound Paradise Demon Empress also stays here, has not returned to Heaven World, if other spaces were firm, she is hard, if she bogs down here, only meets the life to dry up dead.
After the Demon Empress sound passes on, then appears in Violet Moon Sacred Territory several elders is stronger, she is also bringing several attractive alluring woman, from that several alluring woman aura, is the weak ones.