is subject to changes of the gas temperature. It can be deduced from
the sensitivity values TGas and H2O2 that raising the gas temperature
by about 60 C would cause the same change in the sensor
signal as an increase of the H2O2 concentration by 1% v/v.
The reproducibility of the sensor GGS 5333 T was determined in
an analogous manner to the calorimetric H2O2 sensor (see Section
3.2.1). The highest variation found during the calibration experiment
(measurement period of about 20 h, spread over three days)
was equal to 5%.
In conclusion, the GGS 5333 T showed a linear correlation between
its resistance and the H2O2 concentration. This is equally
true for the H2O concentration and gas temperature. Whereas, the
sensor's response to H2O2 is much stronger compared to the influence
of humidity, the variation of the gas temperature between
150 and 330 C approximately caused the same changes in the
sensor signal of the GGS 5333 T like the variation of the H2O2
concentration in the considered range