This paper focuses on the disclosure of accounting information in the financial statements of UK firms.
The primary objective of the study is to analyse the financial characteristics of firms that provide extensive
disclosures, and assess the financial impact of their motives, such as for example the need to raise equity
finance. The study examines the financial attributes of firms that disclose information about key accounting
issues including risk exposure, changes in accounting policies, use of international financial reporting
standards and hedging practices. Firms are inclined to disclose accounting information in order to assure the
market participants that their accounting policies are consistent with the accounting regulation and meet the
information needs of their stakeholders. The study shows that in order to raise finance in the capital and
debt markets, firms tend to provide extensive accounting disclosures. Firms that provide informative
accounting disclosures appear to display higher size, growth and leverage measures. The findings also show
that the disclosure of sensitive accounting information has not adversely affected firms' profitability. In fact,
firms that provide detailed accounting disclosures tend to exhibit higher profitability. The implementation
of international financial reporting standards enhances the quality and the comparability of financial
statements; hence it promotes consistency and reliability in financial reporting and facilitates companies in
raising capital internationally