and F. ficulneus was originally isolated using broth
containing 30% glucose (Antunes et al., 2002). After visible
growth was observed, cultures from 30% FYP broth were
streaked onto FYP agar containing (l21) 5 g CaCO3 and
12 g agar. Plates were incubated at 30 uC under aerobic
conditions until colonies were visible. Colonies were
selected based on morphological differences (colony size
and shape, and clearance zone formed from hydrolysis of
the CaCO3 by lactic acid), inoculated into FYP broth and
GYP broth and incubated statically for 24 h at 30 uC. GYP
broth differed from FYP broth by containing 10 g l21
D-glucose instead of D-fructose.