Dear Khun Pop,
As we talked about the AIA Saving Insurance for tax deduction, I'd like to confirm you that there are 16 people whose annual tax deduction from AIA is at THB 18,000
1. Natthika Changprasert
2.Pashakorn Supriyasilp
3. Chawpaka Chaosarn
4. Kanti Panjatanasak
5. Subantita Suwan
6. Suphannee Charatmanachot
7.Warangkana Rattanarat
8. Chongon Tantavanich
9. Saruny Teantep
10 Pratya Youngpatana
11. Wacharee Kanyamasa
12. Atcharaporn Daisai
13. Anocha Chuenwanta
14 Tatcha Sutthidechosoontorn
15 Sirichai Saengcharnchai
16 Somaya Bunchorntavakul
Thank you ka.