CBH would like to explore the possibility of manufacturing its stacker main frame and boom internationally, to be able to ascertain whether this excise would be financial viable CBH is seeking some indicative costings. When providing these costs please take the following into consideration:
• The attached is designed to be manufactured in Australia, we understand some design changes will be required to suit the sections available in the country of origin, if changes are required please make them and supply the appropriate drawings and information for CBH to verify and sign off, this can be done on the completion of the costing exercise.
• The attached is designed to fit into a 40 foot open top cube special container, it is essential that you supply packing details with your costings.
• All coatings are to be Galvanized as per the attached TS-4
• All Steelwork fabrication and assemble to comply as per the attached TS-13
• CBH will require 150 Stacker main frames and booms over a 5 year period. These will be required to be delivery periodically, approximately 3 every 5 weeks.
• All costings to be supplied CIF.
• Please DO NOT allow for any CPI increases.
I’d like to reiterate, these are indicative costings, after receiving your costings we will review and analyse the viability of proceeding with sourcing our Stackers internationally. If CBH feels this exercise is worth pursuing further an official tender process will follow.
Can you have all costings to me by COB no later than Wednesday 15th June.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate in giving me a call.