1. Librarians should acquire technical skills, IT skills, managerial skills and communication skills to work in digital
2. To keep the librarians up-to-date and well aware of the new trends in the profession, continuing education and
development programs (CEDP) should be started by Library Associations and LIS Schools.
3. It is recommended that Library Associations working in the country should organize useful training courses,
seminars and conferences which may help in preparing well versed librarians in the country.
4. LIS Schools should play their role by organizing refresher courses to keep the librarian abreast of new trends in
the profession.
5. All issues related to librarian’s scale, promotion and salary must be resolved on priority basis so that the librarians
may get mental satisfaction and work with devotion.
6. Scholarships, fellowship and awards should be offered to promote professional competition among the
7. LIS curriculum must be re-structured keeping in view the new technological trends in the profession and demand
of job market in digital era.
8. Professionals’ standards, norms must be developed for quality of services in libraries and information centres.
9. Apprenticeship programs should be offered to the newly qualified BLISc and MLIS students.
10. Library and Information Science Education Act should be established and Professional accreditations must be
developed for providing quality of LIS education in Library Schools.
11. Adequate “Technical Facilities” such as well furnished Internet Laboratory equipped with modern tools for
providing digital services to the users must be provided in every LIS Schools/Departments.
12. Appointment of IT teacher having specialization in computer science must be made in each LIS
Schools/Departments for developing IT skills among the students in real sense.
13. LIS professionals and Schools are required to embrace the change and by developing new policies and trends in
the profession as Parry (2008) stressed that we should embrace the change and future because it is our obligation to
guide the future of libraries by guiding our own professions through evolution and transformation.
14. LIS Schools must establish their policy to concentrate on the quality of their product instead of quantity.
15. There should be a National Policy to control the demand and supply of LIS professionals in the country.
16. LIS curricula must be revised in developing countries in general and particular in Pakistan to incorporate all new
technical skills which are required by the librarians to navigate smoothly into the voyage of digital information. It
should be revised after every two years according to the new trends in the profession.
17. HEC (Higher Education Commission) in Pakistan should help libraries in acquiring modern infrastructure for
providing variety of resources to the clients.