See here it says that, when you keep 10 degree rudder, then this is interesting. It says the
ship should, I will tell you, just write it now, not have traveled more than l by the time.
See, it it means that, see the ship is here, initially you give a rudder 10 degree, now the
ship heading will change at some point, the heading has changed to 10 degree, this
distance must be less than Less than 2 . 5 l. In other words, as it turns, you know, this is a
this is a ship here, I mean, if you draw like that here, the heading psi is just 10 degree
here psi is 0 degree, rudder is being applied, you know, you are applying rudder. This is
a starting point, whatever what it say is it is called, the initial timing ability, initially it it
should not be that, you you want to turn it, should not be that it is very slow to respond
and it takes a long time and then begins to turn, you see, it it can be, it should not be like
this and then turn like that. That limit is given to 1 by 2, Yeah so, that limit is give it
should be turn more like this, it should be full action by 2 . 5 Yes yes by two point 2 . 5
length. By the time you reach, the heading must have begin at least 10 degree, the same
rudder angle that you can, it should turn 10 degree. In fact, these are all nice simulations
are possible. As I told, I have got results of this full thing, we have done a simulation
now for a design. You see, these things are all requirements, how do you check the