Many big cats live in Africa.One of them is the leopards.Leopards are famous for the black spots on their yellow coats.They also hunt by jumping from trees onto other animals.Leopards live alone for most of their live.But when they are young,they have a special relationship with their mother.
Leopards cubs never meet their father.Their mother looks after them by herself.When cubs are born,their mother finds a safe tree to hide them in.The cubs stay in the tree for about two months.She protects them from dangerous animals like lions.But sometimes she goes away for a long time to hunt for food.When she goes away,she know her cubs will learn about life and grow strong.The cubs play a lot when their mother is away.As they play,they learn how to jump and climb.After one or two days their mother returns,and she always brings food.
But the cubs can't stay with their mother forever.When they are just a year old,they are as big as she is.When she hunts,they go with her.For many months,they watch and learn.Then,when they are about eighteen months old,the cubs leave their mother.Leopards are good teachers,and the cubs have learned how to survive alone