Keep in touch during the absence
Managers often fear that if they contact someone who is on sick leave this will be seen as harassment or that it could make things worse. However, lack of contact or involvement could signal to your employee that you have "written them off" or have forgotten about them, and could make returning to work even more daunting.
Early, regular and sensitive contact with employees during sickness absence can be a key factor in enabling an employee to return to work more quickly. Remember, you do not need to be a medical expert in their health condition; it is about showing you care, asking the right questions and helping the employee take the steps required to return to work.
It can also be worth reminding employees of their responsibilities and the benefits to them of keeping in touch during a period of absence. Many returns can be successfully managed between the manager and the employee, but managers may feel the need to involve the occupational healthservice if they need help to determine the likely length of an absence or to gather more information on the health condition from a medical perspective.