Travel forecasting models are used to predict changes in travel patterns and the utilization of the transportation system in response to changes in regional development, demographics, and transportation supply. Modeling travel demand is a challenging task, but one that is required for rational planning and evaluation of transportation systems [1].
Transportation planning involves the decision-making process for potential improvements to a community’s roadway infrastructure. To aid in the decision-making process, several computer- based and manual tools have been developed. Two of these key tools are [2]:
a) Travel demand forecasting models for implementing the four-step urban planning process b) Travel rate indices for providing congestion and delay information for a community. The four-step urban planning process is comprised of the following: Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, Mode Split, and Traffic Assignment [1].
The objectives of this paper are to learn about the Urban Transport Modeling System, to gain a better understanding of the behavior of the traffic condition of Dhaka metropolitan area on the zonal basis and to prepare the Network Assignment through the Transport Modeling System.