In Susu, the root:shoot ratio was highest in seedling growing from Stockosorb seeds at 25% FC and this could be as a result of more resources being channeled into root biomass. Seedlings from Stockosorb coated seeds under fully watered conditions also had the highest root:shoot ratio and this was in agreement with investigations that report that Stockosorb promotes root development (Gorim and Asch 2010). Root and Shoot growth was repressed in seedlings growing from Geohumus seeds compared to the other treatments irrespective of their moisture level although at 25 % FC higher root:shoot ratio was observed; a result that was in agreement with other studies (Nahar and Gretmacher 2011; Sun et al. 2011). In Piper, both hydro-absorbers decreased biomass production and this could be attributed to their ability to trap nutrients making them available to the plants (Duong and Asch 2011). In Susu, the presence of Stockosorb promoted biomass production under fully watered conditions and severe drought. Biomass was higher in the drought treatments in seedling growing from Geohumus coated seeds which is possible since leaf development was promoted by this coating. Differences in these 2 varieties could also result from their possession of different genotypic traits.