The ECB, the ESCB and the Eurosystem
2.1.1 ESCB and Eurosystem as the organic link between
the ECB and the NCBs
2.1.2 The ECB as a specialised organisation of Community law
2.1.3 The euro area NCBs as an integral part of the Eurosystem
2.1.4 The NCBs of the non-participating EU Member States
2.2 Objectives
2.2.1 The primary objective of price stability
2.2.2 The support of general economic policies
2.2.3 The principle of an open market economy
2.3 Assignment of tasks by the Treaty
2.3.1 Basic tasks of the Eurosystem
2.3.2 Other tasks
2.4 Centralised decision-making and operational decentralisation
2.5 The ECB’s role in the Eurosystem
2.5.1 Decision-making centre of the ESCB and the Eurosystem
2.5.2 Consistent implementation of policy decisions
2.5.3 The ECB’s regulatory powers
2.5.4 The ECB’s advisory activities
2.5.5 Monitoring compliance with the prohibition
of monetary financing and privileged access
2.5.6 Performance of tasks taken over from the EMI