An object of this invention is the provision of a system for
gathering and storing data related to vehicular incidents so
that the data is automatically and electronically accessible
by authoriZed parties.
Brie?y, this invention contemplates the provision of one
or more video cameras mounted on the vehicle to make
continuously a visual record of the scene in a region around
the vehicle. Camera images during a time interval covering
the current time and the recent past are stored on-board the
vehicle, preferably, digitally recorded in a compressed for
mat. In addition, data (eg one or more operating parameters
such as speed, GPS data, engine, and/or brake operating
parameters) from the vehicle’s on-board embedded comput ers covering the present and recent past interval are also
preferably digitally stored on-board the vehicle. An accident
detector or detectors on-board the vehicle, for eXample a
biaXial accelerometer, generate a trigger signal in response
to an accident, such as the vehicle striking something or
being struck by another vehicle. In response to an accident
detector trigger signal, the data stored on-board the vehicle
is automatically transmitted over a Wireless link (eg public
access links such as CDPD, satellite and Iredium or a private
link) to a central data base. Data in the central data base is
connected by a digital data netWork such as the Internet or
a secured intranet and the data can be accessed via a
computer terminal of an authoriZed party, such as an insur
ance adjuster for the company providing coverage to the
vehicle, a self-insured entity, or a loss management facility.