-increase the strength of plant's cell wall stem or trunk, make it hards to collapse
--pests or bugs will have hard time to drain the nutrient from the plant
--Grass family plant's leaf will have a strong structure.
--The leaf will stand up and be able to recieve the sunlight more efficiently and in the same time Biacsil that has been sprayed on the plant will coat the plant and make it hard to get diseases or be destroyed by diseases
--Release phosphorus in soil in the type that plant can be used, after plant recieve Biacsil, it will create new root and make root system more complex
--Increase Phosphorus nutrition for plant 40-60% without using Phosphorus fertilizer
--Decrease losing N, P and K from cultivated area
--extract in the leaf structure make the light pass through the leaf less than normal the plant will be able to catch more light which mean more photosynthesize and the leaf will become more green
--compose of potassium ion which stimulate the transportation of nutrition inside plant
--Good photosynthesize, good nutrition transportation cause plant to grow faster and give more production significantly
--Reduce the toxification of heavy metal elements in soil such as Sodium Aluminium and Manganize etc,.
--coat the leaf which reduce plant water emission and help plant to endure the hot and drought weather longer and more than ordinary plant