CCC induces a reduction in aerial organ growth,
and increases yield and tuber dry matter content
in potato plants (Radwan et al., 1971; Wang et
al., 2010). PBZ improves potato tuber yield by
partitioning more assimilates to the tubers and
increases starch accumulation in the tuber tissue
(Tsegaw & Hammes, 2005). It has also been
reported that PBZ treatment significantly increases
tuber fresh mass of potato, dry matter content,
and specific gravity, regardless of the method of
application (spraying or drenching) (Tsegaw &
Hammes, 2004). Other triazole compounds such
as Triadimefon (TDM) and Hexaconazole (HEX)
enhance tuberous root yield and starch content
throughout the growing season in cassava plants
(Gomathinayagam et al., 2007).