Korea operates its Energy Efficiency Label and Standard Program, High-efficiency Appliance
Certification Program and e-Standby Program in an effort to improve energy efficiency in
appliances and equipments.
Initiated in 1992, the Energy Efficiency Label and Standard Program targets products with
high energy consumption with mandatory indication of the energy efficiency grade, from the 1st
to 5th grade, and prohibits the production and sale of those products that fall below the 5th grade
(applying MEPS). The products included in the Energy Efficiency Label and Standard Program
fall under 32 categories including household appliances, lighting equipment, and automobiles.
The High-efficiency Appliance Certification Program guarantees the high efficiency of
products by certifying products that perform above certain standards. Implemented in 1996,
certified products may bear the high-efficiency equipment labels and certificates are also
issued. 34 categories of products are included in this program including pumps, boilers and
LED lighting equipments.
Since 1999, the e-Standby Program attempts to promote energy efficiency in products by
reducing standby power. An Energy Boy label is attached to those consumer electronic appliances
and office equipment which have a high potential for reducing standby power, and which satisfy
the standby power reduction standards set by the government. Standby warning labels are applied
to those products that fall below the standby power reduction standards. 22 categories of products
are included in this program including household appliances and office equipment.