This illustrates that the hypothesis were all confirmed. Therefore, the suggestion is confirmed that situational
leadership completed by the use of transformational and authentic leadership as well as ethical and emotional
intelligent behavior, can be used as a basis, to motivate employees with different national backgrounds.
The reliability of this study was tested by Cronbach’s alpha. The overall Cronbach’s alpha of all findings, with a
value of 83 %, indicated that this study is internally consistent and can therefore be seen as reliable (Saunders et al.,
The conducted study could provide a basis or inspiration for further research: possibly, after some time, one
could reinvestigate this study and get different findings based on different circumstances. Thus, the author finally
recommends keeping track of the changes, to apply the identified behavior to motivate multinational teams, always
to treat every person as a individual and adjust the leader’s behavior to the needs and wants of the subordinates.