2.11. Sensorial analysis
In order to characterize the sensorial profile of cheeses at the end of ripening (60 days) were subjected to sensorial evaluation by an internal panel consisting of 9 judges evaluating goat cheese.
Panellists were chosen from a group prepared and trained in sensory analysis of cheeses, having among 30–45 years old, in gender proportion of 7 male and 2 female. The members were selected to define the descriptive terminology for the sensory attributes of goat cheese in three training sessions. Sensorial descriptive analysis was applied according to consensus technique and performed in three sessions with samples of each type of cheese served refrigerated (4 1 8C). The sensory attributes of odour and flavour were evaluated using a 5-point intensity scale ranging from less intense to more intense for most attributes. The average value of the three evaluations for each attribute of each panellist was statistically analyzed. Overall impression of the product was made considering the intensity of flavour notes present as well as the mixtures thereof. It was rated as good (high intensity), regular (medium intensity) and poor (low intensity).