I am Ahau; I welcome you to this day full of wonder and bliss. I am the last of the Tzolkin Day Keepers in this cycle of 20, my ranking would be considered the end. Consider my energy as the doorway or portal to a new beginning. In your Realm, many times there is sadness or a sense of urgency when a project or event is about to end. Usually there are deadlines accompanied by much stress to get the deed done. Rarely is there a sense of accomplishment relished, for you already have your sights on the next goal.
Release the stress associated with getting to the goal. Learn how to relax and enjoy each moment. When projects seem overwhelming, break them into smaller chunks. Be creative in how you approach each step. Feel gratitude for what you are doing. Staying in the moment with joy and gratitude is a major key to happiness. There will always be deadlines. Pace yourself as much as possible so you don’t feel pressured as deadlines draw near. This will allow you to stay in the moment and not keep your focus in the future. Many of you impose unnecessary deadlines on yourselves. We suggest you look at why you push yourself to do things that really could wait or be done within a larger timeframe. Many of you keep yourselves locked into busy-ness as a way to avoid emotions or tasks you have judged as being undesirable or mundane.
There is no task that is undesirable, unless you convince yourself it is so.
No matter what the task is, there is at least one person in the world who either enjoys doing it or can maintain a sense of joy while performing the task. Why is this so? Perhaps the person innately enjoys the skills and has the talent for a specific job. For example, there are many who loathe various aspects of cleaning or organizing their habitats. On the other hand, there are those who enjoy the accomplishment of cleaning and organizing. Others may enjoy a task that you consider mundane or tasteless because they have learned to be in the moment and have found ways to stay in joy no matter what task is at hand. Your attitude towards any activity is a matter of choice. The goal is to find ways to be in joy each step of your journey and to release stress related to timelines.
Often, we witness negative emotions attached to an ending. Whether it is a death, the end of a job or project, graduations, etc., many times there is sadness mingled with celebration. There is nothing wrong with feeling any emotion, however, many times there is prolonged grieving or unresolved anger associated with the event. These low vibrational feelings are often kept alive as you complain to others, over and over again. These repeated negative thoughtforms glop together, creating layer upon layer of low energy that eventually goes beyond emotional dis-ease, causing physical disease.
We invite you to go within and look at times when you felt unrest at an ending. Are you still complaining about the time you got fired? Are you still bad-mouthing people you ended relationships with? Do birthdays, anniversaries, holidays or the end of the year leave you with a sense of emptiness? Look at the endings in your life and isolate those which have feelings of discomfort attached to them.
Open your mind and allow yourself to objectively look at the new beginning that was allowed once the door to the prior event closed. Perhaps you were jolted out of your routine and found a better job. Maybe you now choose better friends. Look for the blessings you experienced in the new year.
Gratitude in all things, especially those causing dis-comfort, can throw open the doors to future joyous possibilities, making all seem brighter and lighter. No matter what is happening in your life, your attitude towards it is your choice. Often, belief codes are changed on whims, without looking deeply into why you held the previous belief. As long as you are easily swayed back and forth by others, your life will be like a ship in a storm, being tossed to and fro causing you to become imbalanced and to feel ill.
Make your choices in the moment. Pay attention to ways you can create joy and peace each step along the way. Know that each door that closes will open doors to new possibilities. Having gratitude for every person and experience you encounter will help you to grow and to have the courage to move forward with ease. Releasing fears along the way will make your goal of a fulfilled life more awesome than you can imagine. The ethers around you are filled with infinite possibilities. Dream big, follow your intuition and watch the magic unfold!
Selamet! Ahua 7