Rasulullaah teaches a comprehensve du'aa to hadhrat abu umaamah and to some other sahabah
hadhrat abu umaamah saya thet because rasulullaah made somany du'aas they unable to remember them they therefore said to him one day o'rasulullaah you make so many du'aas that we are unable to
1.ibu abi shaybah as quoted in kanzul ummaal (vol.1 pg.291)
2.haakim as quoted in kanzul ummaal (vol.pg.306) ahmad and ibu maajah have reported a similar narration as quoted in the adhkaar of nawawi
3.bukhaari in his adab (pg.506)
remember them rasulullaah said should i not teach you a du'aa that in corporates all of them? rasulullaah then told them to recite
"we ask you for every good that your nabi muhammad asked you for and we seek your protection from everything that your nabi muhammad sought your protection from you that help can be sought and only you can conclud all matters because there is no power or might but from allah