In this study, 80% people have declined the effect of
Internet on their routine physical activities. However, the
trend of off-line study is decreasing in a predictable
manner, however, people are becoming more aware of
global knowledge. It is observed that the youngsters
frequently visit pornographic websites. The tendency of
learning abusive language is common among the children
due to their online friends. This trend is observed at net
cafés. Most of the educated parents keep a vigilant eye on
their children while they use Internet and do online
contacts with their friends. This vigilance is not possible
for most of the parents who are not computer literate and
they do not know about the Internet and its consequences.
As a measure against the present low Internet-skill levels
of most parents, emphasis may be made on awareness and
training programs. Although it is clear that the Internet
does increase people understanding and motivation, the
problem of plagiarism and unethical practices does exist.
To cope with this trend, attention should be laid on
effective measures to prevent people from committing
such immoral practices. A firm policy be adopted and
fines and penalties be imposed on those who violate the