Yue Qing Qian smiled and nodded: “Got it, Brother Xiao Yao!”
Li Mu made a fist: “Leave the logistics of Valiant Bravery group to me, don’t worry about it Boss!”
“Ok, then lets all rest up early!”
Wan Er and Dong Cheng Yue both took out a [City Return Scroll] and ripped it to shreds. Originally, I probably should have been worried about Wan Er’s plight with [Hero’s Mound]; after all, as its Vice Guild Master, she had actually helped [Zhan Long], she even organized a restraining team against the First Division. To an average person, this was a very serious situation, however, Wan Er, with that Fan Shu City girl’s personality, was very strong, and she did not buy Q-Sword’s story. Thus, I did not have to worry about her at all.
I took out a [City Return Scroll], activate!
Returning to Ba Huang City, I repaired my equipment, and for the last time, I replenished my Lv 7 red potions and pills. With my red and blue pills fully replenished, all I had left to do was to wait for the event to start tomorrow. The God of Commerce Badge was another new concept; it looked like Ba Huang City’s resource and power struggles would reach intensify to the climax. Before, [Vanguard], [Prague], and [Flying Dragon] were at the top of the competition. However, now that a wildcard like the God of Commerce’s Badge had appeared, the victor could not be predicted, and who called the shots in Ba Huang City was dependent on who could fight all different kinds of battles and rise to the top!
For [Zhan Long] this battle represented our guild’s future; whether we are able to rise as the Kings of [Destiny] or whether we would fall into the depths of history. This was our chance, maybe our only chance. Thinking about this, my blood started to pump, as I began to feel my youthful impulsiveness. Who has never dreamed of dominating the world?
I have had such a dream before, except that it was defeated…..
After getting offline, it was 11 at night. Looking at my phone, I saw that I got a message from Wang Xin: “Li Xiao Yao, if you aren’t busy tonight, can you come to the office? I have something for you to see!”
The message came from half an hour ago, mm, I could go out!
Spreading my Yi Hai out, I made sure there wasn’t any suspicious qi nearby. I put on the suave outfit that Wan Er had purchased for me, and went out. Passing by the bottom of the girls dormitory, everything was calm. There were a few relatively stronger qi’s near the bathhouse and gym, all of which were familiar, as they were from the hidden bodyguards sent by Lin Tian Nan. As for the 40 year old bodyguard downstairs, he was a retired veteran that I recognized. His skills were pretty good, and dealing with anyone that was Royal Air level was not a problem.
Heading straight out of the campus, I lifted my qi as my boots rhythmically hit the ground. My body was light as I maintained an even breath, and jogged through the night onto the street. Not even 10 minutes later, I reached the Special Operations Unit of the Police. The sentry recognized me and nodded, “You’ve arrived!”
In a flash, I entered the deep building, and stopped in front of a lit up conference room. Opening the door, I saw Wang Xin and a few other leaders surrounding a table. On top of the table was a map.
“Leader Wang!” I said as I walked up.
Wang Xin smiled, “Li Xiao Yao has arrived; you should recognize the people here, they are all fundamental players in Hangzhou Province’s Special Crimes unit. This is Li Xiao Yao, the face of our special operations unit.”
A team leader who looked around 50 years old turned his head over to look at me, and smiled: “Hello Face, we have heard about you before, but we’ve never had the chance to actually meet you. You are indeed young and handsome, it’s no wonder that so many of the police force’s young women have pined over you for many years…..”
Embarrassed, I said: “You’re over-exaggerating. What’s the situation?”
Wang Xin pointed at the materials on the table, and said: “Come see for yourself. Lately, we’ve confirmed a few cases committed by the Blood Scythe. Also, the mastermind of Blood Scythe has finally appeared…”
I scanned over the gory pictures of the crime scene. Soon after, I spotted an evidence folder, and took it out to look at it——
Blood Scythe’s Boss: Kui Fan, Han Zhou Province, 34 years old, Used to be a mercenary on the China-Myanmar border, After 4 years of hard work, he finally returned to the Mainland, and on Hangzhou’s Feng Yue Street and Blue Water Street, he battled out his own territory. He opened 5 bars and 3 nightclubs with his hands clean of any blood or crimes, as he was very close to an unknown high official.
“Kui Fan….” I furrowed my brows and said: “Why haven’t I heard of this name before…..”
“Yup, that’s the tricky part, none of us have any idea as to how we should investigate him.” Wang Xin said.
“Then what should we do?”
“We can only wait for him to trip up.”
“Isn’t that too passive?”
“We don’t have a choice….” Wang Xin grudgingly smiled, “From yesterday until today, I took 7 phone calls telling me to stop looking into Blood Scythe Gang’s recent activities. Hmph, thank goodness Sun Xiang is in the military to support me, otherwise I would’ve already lost my position as the head of Hangzhou’s Special Operations Unit…..”
I grunted, “Those bastards….. Blood Scythe’s people have harmed so many innocents; aren’t those lives as well?”