The key issue in this study is whether or not the
changes in scores between the measurements differ
between the SFBT group and the CAU group.
Table 3 shows the results of these analyses. Not all clients completed all questionnaires in full: the exact
number of respondents is given in the relevant
tables. For this reason, the pairs of observations differed
to some extent within and between groups in
Tables 2 and 3. The analyses revealed that the
SFBT group performed better than the CAU group
directly after SFBT with regard to all key variables:
psychological functioning, social functioning, maladaptive
behaviour, autonomy and social optimism
(differences between groups for all variables
P < 0.01). The effect sizes were large, medium,
large, medium and large respectively. At follow-up,
the differences were no longer statistically significant
for autonomy and social optimism (P = 0.19 and
P = 0.05 respectively). However, the results were
sustained at follow-up for psychological functioning,
social functioning and maladaptive behaviour
(P < 0.01). The effect sizes for these three variables
were medium, medium and large respectively